yes or no

yes or no

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi leo justo, hendrerit auctor congue nec, vestibulum in lacus. Suspendisse potenti. Cras rhoncus tortor et consectetur tristique. Nulla eu rhoncus velit. Aliquam est nibh, tincidunt ac imperdiet sit amet, mollis vehicula nisl.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi leo justo, hendrerit auctor congue nec, vestibulum in lacus. Suspendisse potenti. Cras rhoncus tortor et consectetur tristique. Nulla eu rhoncus velit. Aliquam est nibh, tincidunt ac imperdiet sit amet, mollis vehicula nisl. Nam at pulvinar magna, eget sodales ex. Nunc nec sapien tristique est sodales molestie a et dui. Proin ante dolor, consequat at libero vitae, maximus posuere dui. Sed dapibus, felis vel placerat tristique, risus nibh vestibulum felis, non sodales enim nisl quis risus. Nunc nec diam sodales, elementum nisi eget, fermentum tellus. Nulla venenatis tortor eu interdum dapibus.



“Why would you set up a super sad place so sad that even the homeless don’t want to go to your yard?”


That was one of the reactions I got after a little interview with a volunteer at a local petting zoo. I wondered how I could convince the owner to do something about it.


A game in which the answer had to be passed on to him at all times. Invitations to join the game for a day were sent to all primary schools within a radius of 25km. hundreds of phone calls he had to click away one day until he finally changed something about this super sad place.

the beautiful world

the beautiful world

A bad image doesn’t necessarily have to be ugly.


In a generative and incomprehensible way I wanted to turn accidents, forest fires and other serious events into fine images.


The thought that something bad or unfortunate can’t be watched is what squeezed my mind. In this way I wanted to change the way we look at it into a way that, out of amazement at the fact that we can look at these images


written in java

music in digits

music in digits

in my spare time I like to compile spotify playlists based on + & – digits. based on my mood and the feeling I get by listening to songs for these playlist i make covers based on the digits of the list.


Because of the sometimes surprising results I learn the possibilities of certain programs and functions. Besides the time-killing aspect I also like to continuously challenge myself to come up with something new for the covers of my Spotify lists.


link to my spotify



This project was the final assignment of the minor “Scripting For Designers” at the computer science department of the Hogeschool Arnhem/ Nijmegen (HAN).


A creative coding project in which I used sonic Pi (Ruby) and Processing (Java) to create a generative, spatial and fully interactive music installation.


The visitors were able to move through the linked Kinect and processing visuals. The visuals were constantly changing due to the changing pitch of the music. Because these were completely generative, the visuals kept changing after a switch in the generated music.

give me a fucking drink

give me a fucking drink

A school project in which we had to explore the boundaries of our own building. A project in which the urgent and irritated undertone became one of the most important components in the final form.


A simple irritation, the queue for a drinks machine, was my starting point. I wanted to work this out in an interesting and controversial way so that this impatient case was looked at differently.


The tone and directness of this project and the whole process became for me a clear direction of how I, as a designer, want to present myself and how I can convey a message more clearly.